Friday, November 13, 2009

Chris Wade - not just another FCA-E teammate

Chris Wade always believed that his love for Jesus and his passion for adventure sports could be combined. Then he heard about NOMAR.

The idea for NOMAR started when Steve Sullivan and a few men from his church decided to set up a spiritual and physical accountability group. Noticing that no such group existed in their area, Steve and his friends started North Metro Adventure Racing.

NOMAR now consists of over 20 men all striving to be the salt and light in a lost and hurting world. An FCA-E huddle member, Wade joined NOMAR a few years back and has witnessed God’s work in incredible ways. “We had praying before the race starts,” Wade said, “and we saw individuals connecting deeper with Christ and each other.”

As a pastor and adventure racer, Wade enjoys using sports as a new kind of ministry. Once he joined NOMAR, Wade became the person Sullivan could turn to for advice and discussion concerning the group’s next steps.

NOMAR is currently striving to take on a more aggressive role in the adventure community to show Christ’s love through training and racing. “We are going to launch a new website with links that the adventure community would find helpful,” Wade said. “We will also post where and when some members are training.”

For Wade, though, NOMAR is more than just an adventure racing group. “God has used me to be an encourager in the midst of discouragement…a person to be positive in this negative world. I have found out that you don’t need to just preach Jesus with words alone, but by your everyday actions and the positive words you live by, God will open doors.”

Wade believes God will use the group in incredible ways for His glory in the future. “NOMAR is a living part of the body of Christ,” Wade said, “and I look forward to what God has in store during the next few years.”

(Thank you to Ashley for contributing this article!)